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Tuscan, Gold/Orange, and white Cauliflower with Broccoli

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1 large head white cauliflower, cut into florets

2 heads Tuscan cauliflower (light green color), cut into florets

2 heads golden/orange cauliflower, cut into florets

2 heads broccoli, cut into florets

About 1/3 cup extra virgin olive oil or more for drizzling

Zest of 1 or 2 oranges, grated

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

To prepare:

In a large stockpot over high heat, add water and about two teaspoons or more salt, and bring to a boil. Fill a large stainless steel bowl with very cold water and have ready a large colander/strainer. Meanwhile, separate each type of cauliflower and broccoli into florets. Starting with the white cauliflower florets, add them to boiling salted water and cook just until barely crunch tender, scoop florets out of water and immediately plunge them into cold water to stop the cooking process, and drain well. Next, in the same boiling water cook the Tuscan florets until barely crunch tender, remove immediately and plunge into cold water, and drain well. Following the same method, cook the golden florets, remove, chill, and drain. Finally cook the broccoli florets until crunch tender, remove, chill and drain. (You can reserve the cooking water for vegetable stock or discard.) Note: Each variety of vegetable has a different cooking time, be sure to check the florets after one to two minutes; the time will depend on the size and temperature of the florets.

Artfully arrange drained vegetables on a microwave proof platter or large bowl. Cover with paper towels and then seal with plastic wrap. Can be done up to four hours ahead.

To serve: Place olive oil in a glass-measuring cup, grate the orange zest into the oil, cover with plastic wrap and microwave until little bubbles appear on the edges of the oil. Taste and adjust the amount of zest, add salt and pepper to taste.
Meanwhile, reheat the arrangement of florets until they are steaming (but not over cooked), drizzle hot oil over the vegetables and serve at once.

Optional Serving Suggestion For Cruciferous Vegetables

Cook the broccoli until it is very well done, drain and place in food processor and puree until smooth, adding a few drops of olive oil and pepper to taste.   Transfer the puree to a microwave-proof serving bowl, arrange Tuscan florets on top of the puree and reheat in the microwave until hot.