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Orange Glazed Garlic Scented Pork Tenderloin

Farm vegetable stand baskets are still filled to overflowing in September. Fresh lima beans are one of my favorite vegetables (but it’s hard for me to say which vegetable is my favorite!) There’s nothing better than buttered lima beans. In addition, here’s a recipe for succotash in case you choose to replace or add to the basmati rice recipe as the carbohydrate to accompany a pork tenderloin entrée. Add a green salad and sliced fresh peaches for dessert to complete the menu. Bon appetit!

Serves four

1 boneless pork tenderloin (about 1 1/4 pound) trimmed and patted dry
2 large cloves garlic, slivered
Coarse sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste
About 2 teaspoons fresh rosemary, crushed and minced
Olive oil for sautéing
About 1 tablespoon Grey Poupon mustard
About 1/2 cup good quality Orange marmalade
1/2 cup dry vermouth or orange juice, for deglazing
1 tablespoon unsalted butter, softened

To prepare:

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F. With the point of a sharp knife, make slits every-so –often in the meat and stud with slivers of garlic. Rub rosemary, salt, and pepper on the meat. In an ovenproof skillet or sauté pan over high heat, lightly coat the bottom of the pan with oil and sear the pork until all the sides are browned, about two to three minutes per side.
Meanwhile, whisk together mustard and marmalade. Taste and adjust the flavor.
When the meat is browned, brush glaze on the tenderloin, add half of the vermouth to the pan and set the skillet in the oven and roast, turning and glazing it twice, until an instant read meat thermometer registers 140 degrees F.
Transfer the pork to a warm platter and let rest. Meanwhile set the skillet with pan juices back on top of the stove, add remainder of the vermouth and marmalade, and bring to a boil. Reduce by half, add accumulated juices from the resting pork to the sauce taste and adjust the seasonings, swirl in butter to finish the sauce. Slice the pork, arrange on a platter, and drizzle the sauce over the whole affair.

Related Recipes:

Basmati Rice with Toasted Coconut, Cashews and Dried Blueberries
Buttered Fresh Lima Beans