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Grilled Mediterranean Tuna

Serves four to six

6, four-ounce, 1-inch thick slices fresh tuna, dark portion trimmed

For the rub:

1 teaspoon sweet paprika

2 teaspoons coriander

1 teaspoon dried oregano

1 teaspoon chili powder

Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

1 1/2 teaspoons dry mustard

Olive oil for brushing

To prepare:

Mix paprika, coriander, oregano, chili powder, salt, pepper, and mustard together in a shallow bowl. Press the spice mixture into both sides of the tuna and set aside.

Brush the grid with oil and heat the grill to high. Place tuna on hot grill do not move it for one minute (or until grill marks are visible) rotate the tuna to make an X mark about one more minute. Do not over cook. Turn tuna over and grill in the same fashion for a total of about four minutes.   Immediately transfer to a platter and let stand for five minutes. (It continues to cook off the heat.) The center should have a deep rose color. Cut into slices and garnish the platter with sprigs of fresh oregano. And serve with Mango salsa.