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Archive for the Holidays Category

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

Chocolate Zucchini Cake

If you are hungry for a Chocolate cake that is not too sweet, dense, perfect for afternoon tea or easy to take on a picnic cake that needs nothing more than a glass of milk, after dinner cognac, or glass of red wine or port, this is […]

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Refreshing Spring Dishes

After this past winter, we all appreciate the warm sun and the myriad of spring produce…radishes, ramps, scallions, watercress, asparagus, and rhubarb, just to mention a few. The crisp crunchy sweet spring radishes at the Farmer’s Market were so beautiful that I was motivated to immediately make […]

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Festive Side Dishes For The Holidays

Festive Side Dishes For The Holidays

Here are three festive vegetable side dishes to serve at a Christmas dinner party or for dinner during the week. Broccolini is sweeter than broccoli rabe, the secret to this recipe with only three ingredients is blanching the Broccolini before sautéing it with garlic. This spectacular vegetable […]

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