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Broccoli with Garlic and Olive Oil

Serves six

1 head of broccoli, stems peeled and florets separated
About 1 tablespoon kosher salt
About 3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
2 cloves garlic, minced

To prepare:

Peel broccoli stems from the bottom and then cut into thin slices. Remove florets and cut into bite sized portions.

In a large pot of boiling water, add salt, bring to a boil and drop broccoli stems into the water, cook until very crunchy, about two minutes (cooking time will depend on the thickness of the slices) then add florets and cook just until crunch tender, about two minutes. Immediately remove broccoli and plunge it into cold running water to stop the cooking process. Drain well and set aside.

Just before serving, in a large skillet over moderate high heat, add oil and garlic. And garlic and sauté until aromatic, be careful not to burn, remove garlic with a slotted spoon and reserve. Add drained broccoli and stir-fry until the broccoli is heated through, about three to four minutes. Toss garlic with the broccoli and serve at once.

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