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Aged Gouda Cheese, Red Bell Pepper, and Onion

Brown bag lunches are not just for school kids. Health conscious adults prefer to bring their lunch to work or with them on a trip.

A couple of sandwich tips; spread a very thin layer of unsalted butter on the bread to keep it from getting soggy later in the day; carry lettuce, herbs, and tomato slices in a small baggie and just before eating, slip them into the sandwich. If you are gluten free, pack protein (chicken, cheese, meats, peanut butter, etc.) vegetables, pickles, and rice crackers in separate bags and assemble it at your desk. However, if these suggestions don’t whet your appetite, perhaps one of the following sandwiches will? Bon appétit!

Four sandwiches

8 thin slices whole wheat seeded bread, lightly toasted
Unsalted butter to taste
8 thin slices aged Gouda cheese
2 large red bell peppers, halved, seeded, and quartered, flattened with your hand
4 slices sweet Bermuda onion, sliced according to personal preference
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper to taste

To prepare:

Lightly toast the bread and coat with a thin layer of butter. Place cheese, pepper, and onion on the bread, season with salt and pepper to taste and top with other slice of bread. Cut in half and pack into zip lock sandwich bag.

Herb Crusted Seared Tuna, Avocado, with Herb, Sundried Tomato, and Caper Relish on Toasted Brioche Roll
Open-Faced Bacon, Lettuce, and Tomato on Tuscan Bread
Roast Chicken Breast, Red Onion, and Dill Pickles on Seded Rye